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Womb Wellness


Womb wellness is imperative for the progression of biological women, not only for the purpose of reproduction, but for our spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing. As wombmen, our wombs are considered our first brain. What does that mean exactly? On a spiritual or metaphysical level, we store our emotions and memories within our womb which means whatever trauma, whether emotional or physical, we reenact our unhealed experiences within this space which then is exemplified through our actions/behaviors. When we heal our wombs, we are not only healing the physical function but we are healing our emotional body providing a space of mental clarity. From an elemental space, the womb is considered the element of water. Metaphysically speaking, the element water represents our emotions. As we know, water flows just like our natural feminine essence is fluid and receptive. The more disconnected we are from our womb, the more disconnected we are from our emotions and our femininity. Everything starts from a non-physical space (spirit) then is personified or manifested in a physical space (reality). This means, any and all unresolved disruptions we face within our womb based upon our past experiences, ranging from past sexual relationships to physical trauma, manifests as what we consider as dis-ease. This is why most wombmen suffer from imbalances such as BV, yeast infections, etc. Our bodies truly communicate if we pay attention. Book one of my consultations with me and let's dive deeper into your journey to healing your womb!


Healing Services 

The Goddess Challenge

Coming Spring 2024! 

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