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Alternative Therapy
Image by Sarah Brown


Reiki is an energy healing modality that assists with balancing your chakras or energy points through a hands-off technique.This is perfect if you're feeling imbalanced, anxious, hopeless or just need some clarity. For a more in-depth understanding of Reiki please send an email, I will be more than happy to dive deeper.

Become a Reiki Practitioner! 

Coming Spring 2024!

Limited Time Offer

This course will provide the basics of reiki and understanding how the energy flows for beginners. With this course, you will receive a workbook that goes over different techniques that we go over during class. This is a one-on-one course done online or in-person depending on distance. Upon completion, you will learn the basics and begin your self-healing journey aligning your chakras. A certificate of completion will be provided.

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